Among the services offered to his patients at La Pluie hospital, catering figures prominently. Quality care to international standards requires it. But in La Pluie beyond the dietary and nutritional requirements, the kitchen demonstrates an extraordinary culinary art.

            Indeed, the recipe for spinach in La Pluie Hospital reaps unexpected success among patients. As a reminder, Spinach is a vegetable plant, annual or biennial, of the Chenopodiaceae or Amarantaceae family depending on the classifications. Originally from Iran, it is grown in all temperate regions for its nutritional qualities. Passionate about permaculture, La Pluie hospital also maintains a Spinach bed in its vegetable garden.

Spinash is a vegetable with undeniable virtues, thus promoting the proper functioning of transit and detoxification because they are rich in fiber. It helps to keep a flat stomach by contributing to good digestive and hepatic health thanks to its betaine which fights fatty liver disease. In terms of vitamins, it is a source of vitamins A, K, B9 and C. it is also rich in chlorophyll, calcium, vitamin B6 and folic acid, which promote muscule relaxation. With 23 calories per 100 grams, spinach stands out as one of the lowest calorie vegetables.

            In June 2022, hospitalized patients especially and particularly appreciated the spinach of the hospital’s spinach; “I was preparing my spinach as usual and bringing the patients their meals. After a while, I was called by one of them. I wondered what was going on. It was quite simply that the meal was delicious, the patient told me”, says Miss ANTHO, the chef at CHPAH.

            Another patient after being discharged from hospital asked his family to come back to the hospital to get the spinach recipe he discovered there. Like what, to work wonders like Mom Antho does, you don’t necessarily need to resort to the taught mountain truffles or sheep from Australia in Kinshasa.

            I like the hospital because I eat there like at home, said another patient. We thank all the patients who appreciate our cuisine and promise to do more so that in the hospital they enjoy their food like home. Enjoy your meal.

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